I have power over all the abilities and strategies of the devil. No matter how he tries or through which means he attempts to attack my body, the Name of Jesus gives me authority, dominion, and triumph always, and nothing can prevail against me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ.

I function with supernatural strength and abilities today; nothing and no one can hurt or harm me, for my sufficiency is of God. My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore sickness and disease have no place in me. I live in the ageless zone, where I can only grow without aging. My strength and my youth are renewed like the eagle.

The plan of the enemy against me is completely null and void. I have peace all around me! I am never without strength because the Strengthener – the Holy Spirit – is in me. He ministers to my body and energizes me in health, strength, and vigor. Weakness is not an option in my life because the Holy Ghost dwells in me.

You have made my life beautiful! I’ll never walk in sickness or defeat! The victorious and glorious life is mine now. Christ is my assurance of health and eternal life. I have dominion in Christ, I rule over my body with the Word of God and in the Name of Jesus. I disallow infirmity and I cut off any abnormality from my body.

Nothing and no one can hurt or come against me successfully, for I have the unconquerable life of God. Satan and the powers of darkness are under my feet; therefore, I have nothing to fear. The impulses of fear have been completely disabled from my life. Irrespective of the situation, I’m bold and courageous, speaking the Word in faith.

My body is full of radiant health and vitality. Sickness has no hold on my life. The body of Jesus was bruised and broken for me; therefore, I refuse to be broken by any infirmity. I live triumphantly through the Word and by the Spirit, far over and above sickness, disease, and death., by virtue of the divine life. Irrespective of the symptoms and the circumstances around me, I have and enjoy life to the fullest in Jesus name. Amen.

Have you been blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: I ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST? Let us know in the comment section below.
God bless you.

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