I rejoice because the Lord Jesus has overcome this world for me. I have been made more than a conqueror in this life. I live in Christ’s victory; therefore, I am not afraid of sickness, for I reign in life through Christ Jesus. There’s no death in my path! Life, health, blessings, peace, and prosperity are in my path.

I walk in supernatural strength, supernatural health, supernatural supply, and supernatural abilities every day. My progress is unstoppable because I cannot be limited by sickness, disease, or the negativities of the ordinary life. As Jesus is above all things, so am I. The Holy Spirit has beautified my life. He brings colour into my life. I live a wonderful, colourful, beautiful, and productive life.

The glory of God is beaming out of me with intensity. The Lord is my beauty. He is my sweet attractiveness. I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and, to do things that ordinary men cannot do. I am sagacious. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I am a wonder and surprise to many.

God’s wisdom is operative in me. This wisdom beautifies my life and causes me to inherit substance. The angels of wealth attend to me. The angel of money responds to me. The grace of God is working in me mightily and evidently. I experience a quantum leap in grace. I walk in exponential grace, and I take advantage of the grace of God.

Today and every day of my life are days of blessings and benefits. The Lord loads me with benefits. I bring forth new wealth. New channels are opened to me. New channels of supply, of inflow and distribution are open for me. My gates are open continually. They are not shut day or night, receiving deliveries of wealth from the nations.

The Lord has magnified me and increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, profit, and stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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God bless you.

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