I am deeply grounded in the Word; therefore, I am immune to the failures, sicknesses, and defects in the world. I am a product of the Word. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. I walk with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure.
My eyes of understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. My life only goes in the direction of God’s purpose. Therefore, I’ll never be sick in life; I can only grow from strength to strength, for divinity has been activated in my body.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am! I’m from above and my life is the supernatural life of God’s Word. I think the right thoughts, speak the right words and receive the results of God’s Word in my life always.
I walk day after day by the light of God’s Word. I’m not moved by the natural circumstances that exist in the world. God’s Word is the light that illuminates my body; I function by the Word in my life and everything that concerns me. I’m conscious of God’s bountiful provisions for my health, and I’m enjoying them because my body is invigorated by the power of God’s Word.
God’s Word is the truth by which I live every day. The knowledge of God’s Word in my spirit puts me over and gives me the victory today! Fear, sickness, poverty, and death have no place in me, because I live by faith in God’s Word, which is my recipe for total success, victory, prosperity, and divine health, in Jesus Name. Amen.
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His word is my strength.