I’m fully equipped and fortified with the whole armour of God, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Your Word from my lips prevails against adverse circumstances, producing righteousness and salvation, subduing darkness and evil and all manipulations of Satan. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life.
I am so full of joy, and this joy makes me strong and produces health in me. The Lord God is mighty in me. He has blessed me with everlasting life; a life of grace, truth, and agelessness. My life is a life of ever-increasing glory and peace. I live above turmoil or confusion because I flourish in God’s rest.
My mind is flooded with the light of God’s Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to you, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires.
My mind is yielded to God’s Word, and my heart is regulated by the Word. God’s Word is truth and everything He said about my health and my life is reality. My faith in the Word and its integrity is unyielding; and the Word produces the health, strength, vitality, and all the blessings and provisions that it talks about in Jesus Name. Amen.