God has delivered unto me the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, for a testimony that I belong to Him. My prosperity is permanent and established. I am riding on the high places of the earth and I am feeding on the heritage of Jacob.
I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I function today and always from the standpoint of advantage, victory, dominion, and power because I am born of God and conscious that whatever is born of God overcomes this world. I’m guided and propelled by His divine wisdom to do His will and fulfil my destiny in Christ.
I hail from above, from the wealthiest family. I am not of this world. The Spirit of God is propelling me in the direction of God’s perfect will for my finances. I am blessed and Highly favoured everywhere I go and that blessing is at work in me in increasing measure. Christ is in me, I live in Zion; therefore, sickness is far from me. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness.
I am full of grace; I will finish all that God has called me to do with great joy. I am in God’s place for my life, I walk in the light of the Word, and all that concerns me is perfected by the Spirit of God. I’ve entered into the rest of the Lord; thus, I experience luxuriant growth and persistent productivity in every area of my life. Whatever I set my heart to do, the blessing of God is on it.
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God bless you.