There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I exercise my kingly authority today and always.
I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have divine life. Eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat and depravities that affect the natural man.
Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. I refuse to be a part of the suffering masses; for I’ve been transferred from the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water; for all the fullness of the Godhead tabernacles in me.
Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: MY LIFE IS EXCELLENT AND FULL OF GLORY? Type your personal affirmations below.
God bless you.