My life is the revelation of the graces and realities of God’s Word! I live triumphantly over sickness, disease, Satan, and the systems of this world. I live the supernatural life; a life of victory, glory, peace, and dominion. I’ve passed from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from sickness to health.

There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. I am a life-giving spirit and everything I touch or connect to receives life. Christ’s glory is manifested in my body as I flourish in divine health every day of my life. I live above sickness and disease. My life is excellent and full of glory. I exercise my kingly authority today and always.

I am of God. I live in the ageless and deathless zone. I have eternal life; therefore, no disease or infection can fasten itself to my body. I do not suffer from diseases of old age, for I am renewed daily by the Word. I am bursting forth in divine health always. I have the eternal life of God; therefore, I am not affected by anything that hurts.

I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have divine life. Eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat and depravities that affect the natural man.

Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. I refuse to be a part of the suffering masses; for I’ve been transferred from the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water; for all the fullness of the Godhead tabernacles in me.

I am a king and my words are full of power and authority; therefore I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence, and glory. I am not a victim but a victor. God’s Word is producing what it talks about in my life. I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost. I function today with the Spirit of might, dominion, and excellence in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: MY LIFE IS EXCELLENT AND FULL OF GLORY? Type your personal affirmations below.
God bless you.

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