Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus.

I’m strong in Him and in the power of His might! I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances anywhere in the world. Every day of my life is full of God’s glory, beauty, excellence, and grace. My life is for the glory of God and I experience His goodness and mercies today. My life is a life of honour, excellence, praise, glory and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times.

I live my days in health and prosperity. I do not suffer from headaches, colds, fevers, diabetes, stomach pain, or any such thing. I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body in the Name of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit in me keeps my spirit, soul, and body invigorated and ever alive. I have the life of God in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, poverty-proof, and failure-proof. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all.

I reject sickness or anything that represents darkness or inferiority. Anything that causes sorrow and depression is far from me. Jesus is Lord over my life; therefore, Satan has no claim over me or mine. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will never be weak. That joy produces laughter deep in my spirit, causing my health to bloom and flourish.

I know no depression or oppression because I am buoyed by the unspeakable joy overflowing in my heart. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I have embraced the transcendent life in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature. I’m strengthened and invigorated by the Holy Spirit in my inner man and I function in God’s divine power that works in me mightily in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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God bless you.

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