I am a child of love. I am born of love. My nature is love. I manifest love, joy and peace. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. I am love personified and my love never fails. I have true affection for God and man. I demonstrate love always. I am tenderhearted, full of mercy, and kind to others.
At all times, my speech is gracious, pleasant, winsome, and seasoned with salt. I am kind and gracious. and I love unconditionally and unequivocally. I live like Christ and I love like Him. I create an atmosphere of love, kindness, and grace. The liquid love of Christ Jesus flows through me to others.
I am holy and beloved. I have put on bowels of mercies, I have put on kindness, humility, meekness, forbearing and forgiving others, even as Christ forgave me. The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost. I declare that I am born of God. I have the nature of love. I never give up on anyone, I believe the best of everyone.
I know who I am: chosen, royal, and peculiar! I am an oasis of love and a haven of peace, joy, hope and faith in a troubled world. I don’t envy Godless men or desire to be in their company. I walk as a child of light, for I am light in the Lord. I have an understanding of the dimensions of God’s love. I’m filled with the love of Christ, which surpasses all knowledge.
I walk in the consciousness of God’s unfailing love today, and I manifest and radiate His love to my world, I love others as Christ has loved me; my actions are motivated by genuine love, and I serve others with joy and compassion at all times in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: I AM LOVE PERSONIFIED? Type your personal affirmations below.
God bless you.