I am a new creation, born with the life and nature of God. I’m an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I’m superior to Satan, and I am above the forces of darkness, because I’ve been brought into the God-kind, a divine pantheon. I affirm that divinity is at work in me. The knowledge of God’s Word in my heart, causes me to walk in faith, dominion, glory and power.
God’s word abides in me forever. According to His supreme Word, I affirm that my whole being is saturated with light. I radiate His glory with health, success, prosperity, and excellence. My mind is flooded with the light of His Word and I only see pictures of life, strength, and health. I know who I am!
I live above the deception, trickery, manipulation and lies of the adversary. I function in absolute victory. All grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support, furnished in abundance, for every good work.
I’m continually filled with the Spirit of God. I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I’m an overcomer and more than a conqueror. I live in Christ, where divinity reigns. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural life that God has given me, in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.
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God bless you.