I affirm that in Christ, I have access to practical wisdom. I walk in divine wisdom; I do and say the right things at the right time, in the right way, for God’s purpose. Christ, my wisdom, effectively works in me to produce fruits and works of righteousness to the glory of God. I’m filled with the Spirit of God in wisdom for revelation; I have insight into mysteries and secrets.
As I give attention to the Scriptures, I open myself to a continuous impartation of divine wisdom. The Word guides my choices and actions. I have uncommon insight; a clear, deep and sudden understanding of concepts, subjects, situations and mysteries. I yield myself to the guidance of your Spirit, I function with an increased manifestation of practical wisdom—the mindset of the righteous.
I’m programmed to think, talk, live and act right, and walk consistently in the light of God’s Word. Wisdom is at work in me today, and I’m set on a preordained path of righteousness! Predestination is at work in me. I don’t go anywhere by chance. I don’t meet anybody by chance; in my path of life, there’s no death. My life has a purpose with God
My body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times and every part of my body aligns to what God says. I am not ordinary for I am an uninfectable breed that doesn’t get sick. When men are cast down by sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, there is lifting for me because I operate by the principles of God’s Kingdom. I prosper in health and strength always, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: I HAVE ACCESS TO PRACTICAL WISDOM, let us know in the comment section below. God bless you.