Great power for prosperity and control are put in my hands. I’m exalted to a position of authority. Much more is committed to me spiritually, materially, and financially. In every aspect of my life, I am exalted and magnified. My greatness is increased because I am an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.
There is a lifting up and a perfection in all that concerns my finances. Nothing is too good or too high to be possessed by me. I am riding on the high places of this earth, feeding on heritage of Jacob. I am living in the best days of my life. My prosperity is from glory to glory. I am mightily blessed.
I walk in the light of my riches, honour and wealth in Christ Jesus. I am blessed, and am greatly positioned by the Most High, I am exalted by the Spirit of God. I’ve been raised to a higher realm of prosperity, increase, and success. The blessing of the Lord has brought me into a place of excellence, success, victory, and abundance. I am excellent and full of glory; my path is as the shining light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day! I’m complete in Christ!
I’m sufficient in His sufficiency; there’s no shortage in my life. I don’t lack or want for anything: ideas, inspiration, wealth, prosperity, and all the goodness of God are in my spirit, and I bring them forth from the fullness in my spirit. I am an heir of the whole world, my prosperity is unlimited; all things are mine! I lay up gold as dust, and I walk in the realm of superabundance, wherein I’m graciously supplied with every good thing in Jesus name. Amen.
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God bless you.