I am a product of the Word; what the Word says about me is the truth, and it is my reality. I dwell in Zion, the city whose builder and maker is God. Where I live, nobody says “I am sick,” because divine health is embedded in the everlasting life that we enjoy.
I am not ordinary; for God has granted me the authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins and turn men’s hearts to righteousness. I have eternal life in my spirit, because I’ve received Christ. Christ in me means glory in my life; it means divinity revealed and expressed in, and through me. I’m the expression of the beauties and righteousness of Christ. Life is at work in me; in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body.
I function in the authority of Jesus, for as He is the effulgence of God’s glory, dispenser of His mercies, goodness and grace, so am I in this world! I am full of divine life and everything I do exudes my indestructible, inexhaustible, and incorruptible life. It emanates from me in words and deeds because as Jesus is, so am I.
My body was fashioned for the Lord’s presence, and it is powered by the righteousness of God. I reject the world’s view about aging because I live in agelessness, wantlessness, and deathlessness. Each day, I get stronger and healthier because the Word of God renews my youth in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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God bless you.