The totality of divinity resides in me. I am God’s house, His living tabernacle. I am not an ordinary man; I am of the God kind! I am complete in Christ. No shortage, a perfect completion. I have everything I require for life and godliness. My completeness; my sufficiency is not in the government, my place of work, in any human structure, organization, or association. My completeness is in Christ.
Christ lives in me! I’m the expression of His reality, His grace, glory, kingdom, power, and personality! I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. Everything and anything I could ever need is inside the greater One that lives in me.
I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times. I have a wholesome tongue; my words are sculpted in line with God’s perfect will and direction for my life. I walk in divine health, prosperity, victory, success, and financial abundance.
I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to God, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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God bless you.