I thank You, precious Father, for loving me, blessing me, and increasing my numbers. Yes, God likes me. He takes pleasure in me. He is partial toward me. I am preferred for promotion, opportunities, favour, and advantage. I am preferred for blessings. I have favour with God and man. I am blessed in my going out and my coming in. I’m blessed in my body, mind, and spirit.

The Lord my God orchestrates all things in my favour, so that I continually walk in super-abundance. He liberally supplies my every need. The grace for quickness and speed are at work in me. The works of my hands are prosperous. My investments, initiatives, plans, inputs, and ideas are productive. My gates are open continuously, bringing in the wealth of the nations. All my resources are multiplied a thousand times and more.

I am loaded with good things, and my life is like a city that is set on a hill that can not be hidden. I am visible; well-positioned, and the Spirit of God is magnifying my voice around the nations of the world. I can never be small because the anointing of God’s Spirit has set me apart for greatness, causing me to spread and make progress, indescribable progress!

I’m rich in all things, having inherited all things, for I’m a joint-heir with Christ! I’m fruitful and productive. I am making progress in every area of my life. I’m complete in Christ and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit of God guides and inspires me to take actions that’ll guarantee evident and unstoppable progress, increase and blessings for me.

Today and always, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, and dominion! I exercise my divine right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and to exercise dominion over Satan. I reign in prosperity with peace, health, and an abundance of wealth. I enjoy the supernatural wealth that God has given me. I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.

I am vibrant. I enjoy divine health every day, all year round. I do not wane with age; rather my strength is renewed daily like that of an eagle. I have entered into the zone of agelessness, deathlessness, and wantlessness. God’s divine nature takes absolute pre-eminence over my spirit, soul, and body. I refuse to let any contrary condition take root in me or affect anything that concerns me in Jesus’s name. Amen.

Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT: I AM PREFERRED FOR BLESSINGS? Type your personal affirmations below. God bless you

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