I am a partaker of God’s glory, grace, and righteousness. I walk in prosperity, health, and peace today and always. Even though death works in the world, life works in me and everything that is connected to me. My Lord Jesus defeated death and now, because He lives, I live. I have the all-conquering life of God in me.

I have all that I require to live life in godliness and righteousness. Sickness is not in my nature. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and He has perfected my health; therefore, I refuse to be sick! I have the supernatural life of God that makes me impervious to sickness. I am living the life of victory and dominion that Jesus purchased for me.

Everything I require for life and godliness has been made available to me and I’m conscious of this reality today. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me because the life that I now live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.

I’ve been granted unrestricted access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ, wealth which no human being could have searched out. Poverty isn’t a part of my life, for I’m an heir of God; therefore, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine; the world belongs to me.

The glory of God is beaming out of me with intensity. The Lord is my beauty. He is my sweet attractiveness. I am divinely enabled to see, think, say and, to do things that ordinary men cannot do. I am sagacious. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. I am a wonder and surprise to many.

The Lord has magnified me. He has increased my greatness. I have divine access to wealth untold. The Holy Spirit shows me the secrets of life. He shows me how to produce wealth, to make profit and how to stay in wealth and health. I am the excellent, the glorious, the Lord delights in me. I am making continuous and consistent progress, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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