I have been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. Victory is my heritage and my life! I was born to be triumphant always and in every place. Regardless of the challenges that I may face, I will always win. By my words, I chart my course in victory and success.

I affirm that good things are coming my way and happening for me and around me because the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. I am continually strengthened with might in my inner man as the anointing of God’s Spirit runs through every fibre of my being, making me sickness and disease-free.

I’m the expression of His fullness; He is my completeness. It makes no difference what challenges I face in life; there’s a force – an empowerment – at work in me to blaze through the barriers. I live in health, prosperity, and excellence. I have no lack in this life because all my needs are met in Christ Jesus. Satan has nothing in me because I am full of the Spirit at all times.

I manifest God’s glory, virtue, excellence, and greatness to my world, bringing glory to the Name of the Lord continually. My body and all my members and faculties are a living sacrifice, holy, devoted, consecrated and well-pleasing to God, which is my service and spiritual worship. I have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires.

All things are working for my good. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I take possession of my inheritance in Christ. My health, strength, and wealth are assured. Christ is mingled with my spirit. So, I refuse to be sick any day, anytime. I am invigorated with strength always.

In the Name of Jesus, I refuse arthritis, diabetes, cancer, tumors, paralysis, kidney failure, heart failure, and lung failure in any place in my body. Everything about my body is perfect; my lungs, liver, heart, blood, and every part of me is perfect. I declare that I live, rule and reign above them all. There’s no death in my life, family, finances, business, or job because the One in me is greater. Glory to God!

Were you blessed by today’s KEEP SAYING IT:I AM CONTINUALLY STRENGTHENED WITH MIGHT? Type your personal affirmations below.
God bless you.

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