Day 9 – 30 DAYS OF RAIN (SEASON 5) – Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

Ezekiel 47:12 AMPC
Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV
Colossians 1:9-10
Matthew 12:35
Psalm 92:12-15

This is my month of Great Grace.
I acknowledge the grace of God in my life.
I celebrate the grace of God in my life.
I acknowledge the grace of God working in me.
I acknowledge the grace of God working through me.
I acknowledge the grace of God working in me.
The grace of God produces in and for me:
Acceptability, favour,
advantage, joy,
pleasure, liberality and gifts,
and I’m growing, and increasing in grace.
I’m fruitful and productive.

I’m full of ideas and innovations.
My mind is quick and alert,
to receive the promptings of the Spirit.
I produce all kinds of innovations
Innovations that solve problems,
innovations that produce wealth,
innovations that bring solutions,
innovations that create money.
In my industry,
I’m the solution provider.
My leaves will not run dry,
My fruit will never fail.
I bring forth different kinds of fruits,
Different kinds of ideas and innovations.

Each month,
each season,
every month, new successes,
every season, successful outcomes.
I have different kinds of achievements,
testimonies and successful outcomes.
In each month,
in each season,
no two months are the same for me.
Every month, I experience new glories.
Every month, I experience new splendour. Hallelujah!
Every month, I experience new wonders.
Every month, I execute new ideas and innovations.
I never run out of ideas.
I never run out of innovations.
I never run out of solutions.
I always know what to do. Hallelujah!
As I speak in tongues,
and declare the word of God, out of my belly,
flows rivers of living waters,
and these waters bring life to
everything in their path.
Everything I touch prospers.
Everywhere I go,
there’s supernatural fruitfulness,
supernatural productivity.
In everything I do, there are successful
outcomes. Hallelujah!

My ideas and innovations,
Bring forth healing virtues.
My leaves will not fade.
My fruits,
My deeds,
My innovations,
Will never fail to meet the demand.
Every idea that proceeds
from me births new innovations.
And I have the impetus,
The strength,
I have what it takes to execute
my ideas and innovations.

I yield my fruits in season.
I yield profits.
I yield results.
I yield benefits.
I yield supernatural results.
I yield supernatural benefits,
and I yield supernatural profit.

God is my source.
The maker of Heaven and Earth,
and the source of all things helps me with resources,
with contacts,
with connections,
with wealth,
with ideas,
and opportunities.
God is my source.
I’m connected to my source.
The word is my source.
I’m deeply rooted in God.
I’m ever fruitful.
I’m exceedingly fruitful.
I’m supernaturally fruitful.
I’m like a tree planted on the banks of the river.
I’m flourishing
I’m growing without limit.
I’m increasing without limit.
I produce results that cannot be explained humanly.
Every day I make progress.
Every day, I manifest the glory of God.
I prosper in all things.
I prosper on my job, in my finances,
in my health, in my mind, and in my body.

I have supernatural abilities.
I’m up to any task.
I fulfil every demand of me,
because I have received
special endowment for my task
Every day, I make supernatural progress,
beyond the calculations of the world.
Every day I produce outstanding results
results which bring me into greater opportunities,
recognitions, blessings, favours,
rewards, awards, and promotions.

Out of my belly flow rivers of living water.
I’m planted in the court of the Lord
There is nothing that’s difficult for me to handle
I continually bear fruits
My fruit nourish and sustain.
My fruits produce increased productivity
My leaves never fade,
My fruit never fails.
I meet every demand
I’m connected to the life-giving
waters from the Spirit of God.
I bring forth new fruit every day,
new ideas and innovations.
I walk into new opportunities and
new advantages every day.
I produce new monies,
new business ideas,
new channels of wealth creation
because I’m a partner in the ministry.
I’m in partnership with God.

I’m a source of healing and
nourishment to others.
I bring restoration and wholeness
to all who come in contact with me.
My life is a testament
to God’s consistent faithfulness.
I flourish and prosper in every season.
I’m a tree planted by the river of God.
I’m always fruitful, always vibrant.
I’m always a blessing to those around me.
I’m blessed with endless supply of ideas,
innovations, abundance,
opportunities, prosperity,
wealth, and perfect health.

God’s supernatural qualities
are evident in my life.
I’m a channel for His grace and provision.
My impact is ever-growing,
ever-increasing, and life-giving.
I’m deeply rooted in God.
My life is a continual source of blessings.
I meet every need.
I bring healing to the nations.
I’m always bearing fruits.
My life is evergreen and fruitful
because of God’s living waters
that come out of my spirit.
I produce new blessings every day,
week, and month.
I flourish in every season.
I’m a testament to God’s faithfulness and provision.
I’m a source of blessing to those around me.
God’s healing flows through me,
bringing restoration to others.
I’m continually nourished by God’s grace.

My life shows God’s unending grace and provision.
I’m a channel of blessings.
God has given me the ability to produce wealth.
God has given me the ability to create wealth.
Whatsoever I do creates wealth.
Whatsoever I do produces wealth.
Whatsoever I do creates value
and brings advantages to the kingdom.
God is the source of my ability.
I’m blessed with the skills to prosper.
I prosper in the morning.
I prosper in the noontime.
I prosper in the evening.

I’m empowered to achieve success.
I trust in God’s guidance as I build wealth and fulfil his word.
All my resources are multiplied a thousand times.
I’m directly connected to divine supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I live in the wealthy zone
where all things are mine.
My results stand the test of time
because I trust in the Lord.
I’m marked out for extraordinary success.
I’m shielded and protected from
chance and unfortunate events
because I trust in the Lord.
I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will
in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
I understand what the Lord wants me to do.
I’m wise in the things of the spirit.
I have full, deep,
and clear knowledge of God’s will.
I have comprehensive insight
into the ways and purposes of God.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

I have understanding and
discernment of spiritual things.
I walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.
My ways please and honour the Lord.
I conduct myself in a manner
that is worthy of the Lord and his kingdom.
My desire is to please the Lord always.
I’m fruitful in every good work.
I bear fruit in every good work.
I’m full of good works.
I’m full of the fruits of righteousness.
Every day, I increase in the knowledge
of God with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight.
God’s word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
This is my due season.
This is my season.
It is raining now.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

As the rain comes from heaven and waters the earth,
causing it to flourish and to sprout,
so is the word that goes forth from my mouth.
It shall not return unto me void,
but it accomplishes in my life,
in my health, in my body
in my business, in my ministry.
The word accomplishes the purpose
for which I send it.
My life is flourishing.
My life is budding.
My health is flourishing.
My prosperity is flourishing.
My greatness is flourishing.
My increase is flourishing.
Things are changing.

New things are springing forth,
for it is my due season.
I declare that I have now,
in this season, at this time,
I have an abundant harvest of all my seeds.
The words I have spoken,
the seeds I have sown,
my partnership, my giving, my sowing,
my encouragement, my prayers.
I have an abundant harvest.
Now, my ground yields its crops and my trees yield their fruit.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice
My seeds respond to my voice.
Today, I’m filled with the knowledge of His will.
In all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
I walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him,
being fruitful in every good work.
I abound in every good work.
I excel in every good work.
An increase in the knowledge of God.
Knowledge is increased sevenfold in my life.
My revelation of God is increased sevenfold.

I’m rich in knowledge.
I’m rich in all wisdom.
I’m rich in all spiritual understanding.
I have insight into mysteries and secrets.
I have knowledge of the present.
I have knowledge of the future.
I’m constantly refreshed and
rejuvenated by the Spirit of God.
I’m inspired and full of joy serving the Lord.
I’m strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
I’m competent and ready for every good work.
I’m innovative.
I’m creative.
The power of accomplishment is at work in me.
The Lord is the strength of my life.
I’m as a wonder and a surprise to many.
There is no room for weakness in my life.
I’m sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.
Nothing is impossible to me.

The Lord has set me on high.
I’m daily strengthened
and energized for increased productivity and greater effectiveness.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart
brings forth good things
I am a good man.
I have good treasure in my heart,
and I bring it forth.
My heart is full of the word of God
My heart is stirred by the Word of God
My heart is full of Joy
My heart is full of Peace
I’m free from all anxiety and agitations
My heart is full of love
I walk in love
I demonstrate the love of Christ
Which is shed abroad in my heart
There is no fear in my heart
There is no doubt or bitterness in my heart
My heart is a fertile ground for the Word
My mind is separated for
excellent thoughts
I think thoughts of life,
faith, and goodness.

The treasures of my heart
attract favour toward me
I attract grace
I attract blessings
I attract supernatural opportunities
I attract kindness
I attract open doors
I attract new clients,
new businesses,
new investments,
new graces,
new channels of blessings,
new streams of income,
new streams of wealth.
I attract prosperity,
I attract peace with prosperity
The good treasures in my heart repel failure
They repel mediocrity and mundanity
They repel poverty, sickness, and diseases.
The good treasures in my heart
Position me before kings and
not ordinary men.
The good treasures in my heart
Inspire me to profitable ventures.
They connect me to success,
to abundance, to divine health,
to the consciousness
of the realities of God’s kingdom

My life is flourishing.
My finances are flourishing.
My health is flourishing.
My prosperity is flourishing.
Things are changing.
New things are happening.
New things are springing forth
with quickness and speed.
I do the unthinkable,
I do the impossible,
I do the unimaginable,
With quickness and speed.

I flourish like the palm tree.
I’m prosperous, ever fruitful.
Everything and everywhere around me is green.
There is no dryness or death in my path. Hallelujah!
Agelessness is at work in me.
I’m stately.
I’m upright.
I’m useful.
I’m profitable
I bring forth fruits continually.
I am fruitful and productive.
With the same time and effort as others,
I bring forth more results,
more achievements,
more fruits than everyone else.
My time is multiplied.
My efforts are multiplied.
My input is multiplied.
because I’m fruitful and productive.
I grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
I am majestic.
I am stable.
I am durable, long-lasting.
Incorruptible, imperishable.
I have the life of God in me.
I am not of them that perish.
I’m planted in the house of the Lord.
And I flourish in the courts of my God.

I am growing in grace and increasing in glory.
I live a life of ever-increasing glory.
I live a life of ever-increasing splendour.
My fruits are long-lasting.
My results are enduring.
They stand the test of time.
I am vibrant and
I produce results in season and out of season.
I’m ever fervent in the spirit, serving the Lord.
I am the righteous,
Christ is my righteousness
I flourish like a palm tree and
I grow like the cedar in Lebanon,
I’m strong, stalwart, majestic.
I’m planted in the house of the Lord and
I flourish in the courts of my God
I still bear fruits in old age
I’m fresh and flourishing
I’m ageless,
I’m fruitful in every good work,
I do the good pleasure of the Lord
I’m increasing in my knowledge of God
The Lord is my rock,
I am not moved by what I see, feel, or think
I’m moved by the Word
I respond to the Word
The Lord is upright,
There is no unrighteousness in him,
There is no unrighteousness in me
There is no darkness on my path
I’m blessed and highly favoured!
I am the consecrated and set-apart one.
I am set apart from lack.
I am set apart from poverty.
I am set apart from hardship.
I am consecrated unto prosperity.
I am consecrated unto success.
I am consecrated unto wealth.

Everywhere I go, I have favour.
Before I get there, favour awaits me.
While I am there, favour attends to me.
When I have left,
the favour of God continues to work for me.
Anywhere and anytime my name is mentioned,
the favour of God answers on my behalf.
I’m fruitful.
I’m productive.
I’m profitable.
I have increase, profits, results,
achievements in and out of season.
I’m evergreen,
Ever profitable,
Ever effective,
Ever successful.
I am ever prosperous.
My results are for extraordinary success.

Today, August 27th, 2024, I bring forth good treasures.
Today, August 27th, 2024, I produce wealth.
I’m filled with the knowledge of His will.
I walk worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing Him.
I’m fruitful in every good work,
and Increasing in the knowledge of God.
I celebrate the grace of God in my life.
I take advantage of the gifts of God in my life.
I have the upper hand in every situation I find myself.
Grace locates me and brings me in at the right time.
The excellence of God is expressed in me today.
Good things of life are falling into my hands effortlessly.
Opportunities, access,
promotions, contracts,
are falling into my hands. Hallelujah!
Things I did not work for, are granted me
For the sake of the gospel.

In these 30 days, the clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my prayers,
The clouds of my expectations,
The clouds of my declarations,
The clouds of my meditations are full.
They are crystallising and pouring down,
Distilling and pouring answers.
In these 30 days, men will see
the grace of God at work in me.
In these 30 days, men will see
the progress and advancement in my life
I’m making evident progress in these 30 days
God loves me, specially.
God likes me.
He prefers me.
He takes pleasure in me.
He’s partial toward me.
I’m preferred for favour.
Today, I’m preferred for advantage.
I’m preferred for joy.
I’m preferred for pleasurable outcomes.
I’m positioned for blessings.
I have favour with God and with man.

I’m blessed in my going out and my coming in.
I have perfect soundness in
my body, mind, and spirit.
My youth and strength
are renewed like the eagle’s.
Today, I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me.
Today, I feast on his abundance.
Today, I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen, Amen, Hallelujah!

Go ahead and speak in tongues
© CELZ5 2024

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