Day 8 – 30 DAYS OF RAIN (SEASON 5) – Monday, August 26th, 2024



3 John 1:2

Psalm 1:1-3

Genesis 39:23

Genesis 39:2

Genesis 49:22-26

Jeremiah 17:5-8


This is my month of Great Grace.

I acknowledge the grace of God in my life.

I celebrate the grace of God in my life.

I acknowledge the grace of God working in me.

I acknowledge the grace of God working through me.

I acknowledge the grace of God working for me.

The grace of God produces in and for me:

Acceptability, Favour,

Advantage, Joy,

Pleasure, Liberality and Gifts.

I am fruitful and productive.

Whatsoever I lay my hands upon to do

 prospers and comes to maturity

I am blessed, I’m a blessed man,

I walk not in the counsel of the ungodly.

I do not stand in the way of sinners.

Neither do I sit in the seat of the scornful.

I delight daily in the word of God,

And the word is my meditation day and night.

I ponder the word,

I study the word,

I meditate on the word,

And I observe to do the word.

Therefore, whatsoever I do

prospers and comes to maturity.

I’m fruitful, productive,

 effective,  profitable and prosperous.

I delight always in God’s word and God’s way.

Day and night, the word is my constant meditation.

I love to think on the word.

I love to do the word.

I’m deeply rooted by the brook of bliss.

I’m like a tree planted by the streams of water.

 I bear fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf.

I’m always in season.

I’m a tree along the river bank.

 I bear luscious fruit every season without fail.

My leaves never wither and all I do prospers.

I yield my fruit in season.

I yield profit in season.

I yield results in season.

I yield benefits in season.

As God was with Joseph and gave him favour

and made him successful

and prosperous in a foreign land,

so the Lord is with me, (INSERT YOUR NAME).

The Lord is with me.

He has granted me favour in the sight of all men.

 Everywhere I go, I have favour.

 Before I get there, favour awaits me.

While I’m there, favour attends to me.

When I’ve left, the favour of God continues to work for me.

Anywhere and anytime my name is mentioned,

the favour of God answers on my behalf.

The Lord is with me and whatever is committed to my hands,

he causes to prosper. I’m a prosperous man.

 I’m a productive man.

I’m a fruitful man.

 I’m very prolific.

I’m profitable.

The Lord is with me.

Therefore, I succeed in everything I do.


The Lord makes me to prosper in everything I do.

I’m a fruitful bough by the stream.

My branches run over the wall.

I do not recognize limitations or barriers.

 I’m a fruitful vine growing up by a spring.

 When opposition comes, I remain steady.

I stand firm.

 I’m strong and steady.

 I’m rested on the arm that does not fail.

My hands are made strong

 and active by the hand of God Almighty.

God has blessed me with the

 blessings of the heavens above.

God has blessed me with

 the blessings of the deep beneath.

God has blessed me with

blessings of the breast and the womb.

My blessings are greater than the

blessings of the ancient mountains.

My blessings surpass the delights of the eternal hills.

 My head is crowned with blessings.

The blessing of the Lord rests upon me,

because I trust in the Lord and rely not on my own strength.

I put no confidence in the strength of man.

My confidence is in God.

 I’m blessed with happiness as a tree

 planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream.

I do not fear when the heat comes.

I’m not afraid when hot weather comes.

My leaves are always green.

I have no worries in the year of drought.

I have no anxiety.

I continue to bear luscious fruit.

I never fail to bear fruit.

My tree shall not cease yielding fruits.

I continue to yield fruits.

I continue to yield profits.

I continue to yield profits even in the time of drought.

My environment does not affect me.

 I do not see when heat comes.

I do not see when inflation comes.

I do not see when recession comes.

I do not see when challenges come.

I do not see when hardship comes.

I do not see when economic depression comes.

I do not see when difficulties come.

I do not see when adversity comes.

My leaves are always green.

My life is ever productive.

My life is ever productive.

 I’m fruitful.

I’m productive always.

I’m not careful,



 or worried

 even in the year of drought or scarcity or want.

And I do not cease from yielding fruits,

from making profits, from having results.

My trust is in the Lord.

He’s is my hope and confidence.

 I’m a tree planted by the waters.

 I spread out my roots by the river.

I do not see when heat comes

because I’m translated above

the experience of mere human beings.

My leaf is always green.

I’m not careful.

 I’m not anxious.

I’m full of faith,

because my trust is in the word of God.

I’m not disturbed in the time of inflation or recession.

 When men are cast down,

I declare I am lifted.

When men are cast down,

 I declare I am lifted.

I declare there is lifting,

There is promotion.

There is elevation!

There is elevation for me in the name of Jesus.

I do not cease from yielding fruit.

I continue to make evident progress.

I continue to advance.

I continue to make profits.

 I’m fruitful,



regardless of the seasons that affect others

I’m translated and transported beyond

the realms of ordinary human experience.

I do not see death.

I do not see heat.

I do not see sickness.

I do not see poverty.

I do not see lack because I’m transported

and translated by the word of God.

I’m fruitful.

 I’m productive.

I am profitable.

I have increase in and out of season.

I’m evergreen,

 ever profitable,

ever effective,

 ever successful.

 I’m ever prosperous.

My results are for extraordinary success.

I’m shielded,

I’m protected from chance and unfortunate events,

because my hope and my trust

and my faith are in the Lord.

 Every barrier is taken out of my way.

I’m transported,

I am moved by divine ordinance.

I experience only progress

I experience only success

I experience only advancement

I experience only profit and prosperity

I do not see death

I do not see lack

I can never be in want or in need

I do not have shortages

I do not see famine, nor do I see scarcity

Things are not tight for me

There is a liberality in my finances

I do not see poverty

I do not see drought

I don’t experience scarcity

I’m translated beyond the human experience,


Everyday, I have divine supply

I have plenty

I see wealth

I’m in a large and wealthy place

I see abundance

I see harvest everywhere

I see excess supply

I have excess supply

I see prosperity everywhere

In the name of the Lord Jesus

I see opulence

I see liberality

I see generosity everywhere

I bring forth fruits

I have results

I have achievements

I have profits in season and out of season

I’m ever green

Ever profitable

Ever effective

Ever successful and ever prosperous

There is no stagnation in my path

It is upwards & forwards only.

I flourish always.

I make progress every day.

My path is as a shining sun,

That shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.

My productivity and prosperity defy all human logic,

My productivity and profitability dazzle the human mind.

The favour of God that brings promotion and power is at work in me.

Every day, I experience supernatural productivity in every area of my life.

Every day, I attain new and higher levels.

I function at the top,

I play at the top

My new arena is at the top

I’m the favoured child of God.

I experience supernatural productivity and promotion

I’m flying every day,

Soaring every day,

I experience only upward and forward movement in my life,

I am heaping success upon success

in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Everything I do prospers.

I am a prosperous man.

There is a supernatural grace at work for me and

in me such that whatever I do

prospers and comes to maturity.

I’m prolific

I have multiple successes,

In rapid succession.

I’m productive in all things.

In my job

In my business

In my finances

In my body

My initiatives are productive

My investments are productive

My plans are productive

My ideas are productive

My input is productive

I’m  result-oriented

I’m a prosperous man

I’m a fruitful man

Everything I do prospers and comes to maturity

I have no aborted dreams

There is nothing stillborn in me

My projects all come to fruition

My ideas come to birth

I’m productive, in my going out and my coming in.

Today, 26th of August, 2024, I am fruitful.

Today, August 26th, 2024, I am productive.

I have the codes for supernatural productivity.

Every number associated with me is proliferating.

Every number associated with me is increasing.

Every number associated with me is multiplying.

My cell membership is multiplying.

My souls in the house of God are multiplying.

My jobs, my businesses, my partnership, and everything about me,

Is multiplying to the glory of God!

Of my productivity,

Of my fruitfulness

Of my prosperity, my greatness, my influence,

My impact, and my achievements,

There shall be no end.

There is no expiry date to my productivity,

There is no expiry date to my fruitfulness,

I’m an absolute success in life.

The word of God in my mouth is powerful and effective,

Causing even the barren ground to produce fruits,

And bring forth a harvest.

I celebrate the grace of God in my life.

I take advantage of the gifts of God in my life.

I have the upper hand in every situation I find myself.

Grace locates me and brings me in at the right time.

The excellence of God is expressed in me today.

Good things of life are falling into my hands effortlessly.





Are falling into my hands.

Things I did not work for are granted me

For the sake of the gospel.

In these 30 days, the clouds of my faith,

The clouds of my prayers,

The clouds of my expectations,

The clouds of my declarations,

The clouds of my meditations are full.

They are crystallising and pouring down,

Distilling and producing answers.

In these 30 days, men will see the grace of God at work in me.

In these 30 days, men will see the progress and advancement in my life

I’m making evident progress in these 30 days

I’m specially loved of God

God likes me.

He prefers me.

He takes pleasure in me.

He’s partial towards me.

I’m preferred for favour.

Today, I’m preferred for advantage.

I’m preferred for Joy.

I’m preferred for pleasurable outcomes.

I’m positioned for blessings.

I have favour with God and with man.

I’m blessed in my going out and my coming in.

I have perfect soundness in body, mind, and spirit.

My youth and strength are renewed like the eagle’s.

Today, I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me.

Today, I feast on his abundance.

Today, I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.

I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen, Amen, Hallelujah!

(c) CELZ5 2024

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