2 Corinthians 4:7
Philemon 1:6
1 Peter 4:10 AMPC, TPT
John 1:16
John 7:38 AMPC

I have received grace upon grace,
Spiritual blessing upon Spiritual blessing,
Favour upon favour,
And gift heaped upon gift.
Inside me there are abilities,
There are blessings,
There is favour.

This is the month of Conquerors.
I am more than a conqueror.
Nothing can separate me from the love of God,
Which is in Christ Jesus my Lord.
I’m born of God,
Therefore, I have overcome the world.
All things are mine.
All things are possible to me.
I have access into all the blessings,
Hidden riches and wealth of this world.
I’m blessed.

The Lord has gifted me,
Out of His rich storehouse of abilities,
talents, and graces.
I manifest the excellence of his power,
The grandeur and exceeding
greatness of his power,
Is at work in and through me.
I have abundance of gifts
according to the grace that is given unto me.
I have this treasure in earthen vessel,
There’s a treasure within me,
There’s a store house within me,
And out of the good treasure of my heart,
I bring forth good things.
There is value in me,
There is substance in me,
There is wealth in me,
There is a treasure in me.

Everything I lay my hands upon to do, I do well.
I do it with excellence,
I do it with diligence,
I do it to perfection.
I’m exceptional,
I am an expansionist.
Everything committed to my hands,
grows, expands,
flourishes, increases, enlarges,
swells, and develops.
Everything committed to my hands grows,
and develops.
I’m excellent in what I do.
I’m an expert in my field.
I’m a force to be reckoned with.

The demonstration of my faith is effective,
producing and promoting full recognition
and appreciation, understanding,
and precise knowledge of every good thing
which is in me in Christ Jesus.
There are good things in me.
There are wonderful things in me.
There are excellent things in me.
There are things of value in me.

God has buried within my spirit a rich treasure,
a wellspring that produces life,
and wealth.
I’m not ordinary.
Of his fullness,
I have received,
I have a share,
and I am supplied with one grace after another,
with spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing,
with favour upon favour,
and with gift heaped upon gift.

There are good things in me.
I acknowledge,
I appreciate,
I give value to,
and I celebrate the good things
that are in me in Christ Jesus.
My faith is working.
My faith is the victory.
My faith gives me advantage
over all circumstances.
My faith gives me access to wealth untold,
to hidden riches and treasures.

Today and every day,
I experience luxury and growth.
I have significant attainments,
and I have persistent productivity.
God has given me knowledge
and skill in all learning and wisdom.
I have understanding in all things.
I have the ability to learn new things,
to comprehend new things.
I have knowledge and skill in all matters of life.

I’m gifted in understanding of all manner of things.
I’m a master of all things.
I am a good trustee of God’s many-sided grace.
I’m a faithful steward of the many-coloured,
tapestry of God’s grace.
I have received particular and
specific gifts and talents.
I have received gracious divine endowment.
As I acknowledge and celebrate the
grace of God working in my life,
working through me,
I discover gifts,
that God has given to me.
I have special endowments.
I have special abilities.

I have special and specific talents and faculties.
These gifts give me the advantage.
These gifts set me apart for favours,
These gifts set me apart for blessings,
recognition, for awards,
and for rewards.
These gifts produce in me uncommon skills,
skills that have value,
skills that are sought after,
skills that attract benefits,
skills that produce recognition,
skills that bring me into opportunities,
skills that give me the advantage.
These gifts make my name come up
for awards and rewards.
Out of my belly flow rivers of living water.

I am planted in the courts of the Lord.
There is nothing too difficult for me to handle.
I have a broad mind.
I have supernatural intelligence.
I continually bear fruits.

My fruits nourish and sustain.
My fruits produce increased productivity.
My leaves never fade.
My fruit never fails.
I meet every demand.
I am connected to the life-giving
waters from the Spirit of God.
Out of my belly,
out of my inner being
flows the most vital substance of all,
rivers of living water.

I bring forth new fruit every day,
new ideas and innovations.
I walk into opportunities and
new advantages every day.
Every day.
Glory to God.
Whatsoever I do creates wealth.
Whatsoever I do produces wealth.
Whatsoever I do creates value
and brings advantage to the kingdom.
God is the source of my ability.
I’m blessed with the skills to prosper.
I prosper in the morning.
I prosper in the noontime.
I prosper in the evening.

Today, September 9th, 2024,
I have the codes for supernatural productivity.
Every number associated with me is proliferating.
Every number associated with me is increasing.
Glory to God!
Every number associate with me is multiplying
Today September 9th 2024
Out of my belly flow rivers of living water.
Out of the good treasure of my heart,
I bring forth good things
I produce wealth, I am filled with knowledge of His will
I walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him.
I am fruitful in every good

I’m increasing in the knowledge of God.
I’m in increasing in the appreciation and
understanding that in me there are good things,
in me there wonderful things,
in me there deposits of eternal value.
In me God has put answers ,
God has put solutions,
God has put things that other men require.
Out of His fullness and abundance,
I have received, I have a share, and I’m supplied,
with one grace after another,
and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing,
and favour upon favour, and gifts heaped upon gifts.
There are amazing things in me
and in this Finance Convention
I’m discovering them, I’m mining them, refining them,
I am bringing them forth,
to produce wealth according to the Scriptures.

In these 30 Days, the clod of my faith,
the cloud of my prayers,
the cloud of my meditations,
the cloud of my declarations,
they are full, they crystallising and pouring down,
distilling and raining answers. Glory to God!

In these 30 Days, men will see the grace of God,
at work in me.
In these 30 Days, men will the beauty,
the delightfulness and favour of God in my life.
They will see and declare this what the lord has done.
In these 30 Days, men will see progress,
and advancement in my life.
I’m making evident progress.
God loves me,
He has blessed me and increased my numbers.

God likes, He takes pleasure in me,
He prefers, He’s partial toward me
I’m preferred for favour,
I’m preferred for the advantage,
I’m preferred for promotion.
I’m positioned for blessings.
I have favour with God and Man
I’m blessing in my going out,
and I’m blessed in my coming in.
I’m blessed in my body, mind, and spirit.
My youth and strength are renewed like the eagle’s.
Today I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me.
Today I’m conscious of the good things
that are in me in Christ Jesus.

Today I feast on His abundance,
I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.
This is my time of manifestation.
This is my time of testimony.
This is my time of delivery
This is my time of bringing forth
This is my time of evident advancement
This is my time of favour
This my time of completion.
This is my time of perfection
This is my time of confirmation and establishment

This my time of harvest
This is my time of reaping
This is my time of increase
This is my time of multiplication
This is my time of beauty
This is my time of lifting
This is my time of promotion. Hallelujah!
This is my time of discovery
This is my time of peace with prosperity.
This is my time of discovery,
of mining, of refining, and of producing
wealth from the inside.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Go ahead and speak in tongues.

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