Favour – Benefit, Goodwill, Kindness, Approval, Preferred, Blessing, Advantage

Acts 4:33 (KJV, NIV)
Psalm 102:13 (KJV)
Psalm 5:12 (KJV)
Daniel 1:9 (KJV)
Genesis 39:21 (KJV)
Exodus 3:21 (KJV)
Exodus 11:2 (KJV)
Leviticus 26:9 (KJV, NIV)


Great grace is upon us all,
None of us is excluded from the grace
In this month of great grace, we are in a set time to be favoured.
This is the month where God is going to be granting exceptional kindness,
Showing you partiality or preference, support or approval.
We are surrounded and crowned with favour as a shield.
God will bring you into favour with those that matter.
As you move out today, say “God is giving me favour
in the sight of everyone I come in contact with to favour me,
and to do me good”, it’s the work of God.

God’s grace is working in me to bring me into favour with those that matter.
God will grant favour to you, make you fruitful and multiply you.
We are having harvest upon harvest in the time of favour.

Say this is my month of great grace.
This is my set time for grace. This is my set time for favour.
I’m surrounded with favour as a shield.
Everywhere I turn there’s favour.
God has favoured me, preferred me, and approved of me.
Therefore, I’m brought into favour with all men.
I’m satisfied with favour and full of the blessing of the Lord.
I possess all things.
I abound with the goodness of the Lord.
I’m rich with the favour of the Lord. I’m full of God’s blessings.
My wealth is incalculable.
This is my set time for favour.
This is my set time for promotion.
This is my set time for blessing.

This is my set time for joy. This is my set time for increase.
This is my set time to receive benefits.
God is favourably disposed towards me.
He’s partial towards me.
The righteousness of God is spread abroad
The gospel spreads unhindered.
I walk into opportunities
Which deliver to me great profits for the gospel
When I speak, I am heard
When I show up, I am attended to
Because of the favour of God.

God’s favour attracts towards me opportunities
Benefits, Profits.
I am preferred for favour
I am preferred for benefits
I am positioned for blessings,
I have favour with God,
I have favour with all men
I have favour with those in authority
I have favour with influence
I have favour with my superiors
I have favour with my colleagues and contemporaries.
I have favour with my vendors and my clients.
I have favour with my juniors,
I have favour on all sides.

I am preferred amongst my peers
I’m Excellent
I walk in excellence
I think excellent thoughts and
I do excellent things
I produce excellent results
My words are gracious, excellent and uplifting
My words create opportunities of advantage for me
My words create opportunities for Ministry expansion
I operate from a position of favour
I operate from a position of advantage
I have mastery over every situation
I am in-charge always
I am a victor, not a victim
I have mastery in life
Because the Holy Spirit who lives
inside me gives me inside Information
About life
About my Business
About my health
About my relationships
I do not walk in darkness

Nothing happens to me by chance
Predestination is at work in me
Life is not a mystery to me
Nothing is hidden to me
I have access to mysteries and secrets.
I am wise, accurate and excellent.
I’m not subject to this world and its systems
I’m not subject to this world,
and its economy and economies
I operate by the economics of heaven
People are favourably disposed towards me.
People are favourably attracted to me,
Because the grace of God is working powerfully in me.

Today, August 20th, 2024, I walk in great grace.
Today, August 20th, 2024, I walk in extraordinary favour.
I take advantage of the grace of God,
Of the favour of God in my life.
I have the upper hand no matter the circumstances in which I find myself
My life goes in one direction. Upwards and Forwards!
Grace locates me and brings me in at the right time.
The favour of God is expressed in me today.

I’m full of Favour
I’m supplied with Favour
I walk in ever – Increasing Favour
The favour of God gives me promotion
Gives me mastery.
The favour of God makes me superior in all things
God has made every favour and earthly blessing to
Come to me in abundance,
I am always and in all circumstances
And whatever the need I’m self-sufficient,
Possessing enough to require no aid or support
And furnished in abundance for every good work
And charitable donation.
I experience quantum leaps in giving and receiving

Today, the favour of God in my life
Attracts the right people,
The right circumstances,
The right resources,
The right information,
The right opportunities.
God’s favour causes me to be preferred.
I enjoy uncommon favour
The favour of God attracts to me

God’s favour,
His gracious disposition
His partiality to me gives me the advantage
My life is characterized by:
Grace heaped upon grace
Favour heaped upon favour
I take advantage of the favour of God in my life
God has blessed me,
Favoured me,
Preferred me,
Promoted me.
I walk in divine favour
Producing supernatural results.
Thank you Lord,
For the favour of God expressed towards me
Making me a success in my job,
finances, home, academics and ministry.
Men are falling over themselves to do me good.
Good things of life are falling into my hands effortlessly.
Opportunities, Access, Promotions, Contracts,
Are falling into my hands.
Things I did not work for are granted
me for the sake of the gospel.

By the grace of God
I rule and reign over circumstances.
The Favour of God opens doors for me.
Today and Every day,
I’m surrounded with favour, benefits and profits.
Great favour goes before me
Great favour goes ahead of me
Great favour on my right hand and on my left hand
The favour of God comes behind me
The favour of God in me
Results in Promotions, benefits,
advantages, and uncountable blessings
I walk in favour
Favour has singled me out
I recognize that I am specially loved,
specially favoured of God.
I recognize that the favour of God
qualifies me for things I didn’t work for,
Things I didn’t build
Houses I didn’t build
Wells I didn’t dig
Infrastructure I did not work for is granted me
In the favour of God, I grant favours to others.
I dispense favours.

Today, Tuesday, August 20th, 2024,
everything in my life responds to
the favour of God, I have favour for all things and for all situations.
Favour has gone ahead of me today.
In my projects,
in the marketplace,
at the construction site,
in the banking hall, in the conference room,
favour is working for me today.
I am prequalified for promotion,
for blessings, for opportunities.
I walk in favour in every way and all situations,
and this favour increases daily.
I see myself as the preferred,
I see myself as the selected,
I see myself as the chosen one,
I see myself in excellence, peace,
success prosperity and glorious possibilities. 
All things are possible.

The word of God shows me pictures of glorious possibilities.
The spirit of God has separated
and singled me out for special blessing today.
I’m blessed in my going out and in my coming in.
I walk in health,
strength and perfect soundness of body, mind and spirit.
My youth and my strength are renewed like the eagle’s.

In these 30 days the clouds of my faith,
the clouds of my prayers,
the clouds of my expectations,
the clouds of my declarations,
the clouds of my meditations are full and
they are crystallising and pouring down,
distilling and pouring down answers
and Testimonies in this season.
I’m mightily helped of God,
I’m favoured of God,
I’m specially loved of God,
I’m preferred of God.
God shows partiality,
favourable disposition towards me,
I am increased on every side.
I go out today in favour,
I come in on favour.

I bestow favour on others the favour of God prospers me,
promotes me, increases me on every side.
And today, I am conscious of God’s special favour to me
in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus. Amen, Amen, Amen!

Speak in tongues for the next few minutes.

Oh, hallelujah! Yes! The Lord has surrounded you with favour as a shield,
and that favour is attracting every good thing
to you today in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ Amen! Hallelujah! Glory be to God!
I pray that as you give today,
God’s favour and blessings abound towards you
and this seed that you have given today will turn out into an unexpected
harvest as the Lord increases your numbers,
as the Scriptures says,
you’ll still be eating the harvest of old when
you’ll have to make room for the new,
that is your portion today. Hallelujah!


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