TOPIC: The Due Season – The Appointed time, the time of Fulfilment

Galatians 6:6-9 KJV AMPC

This is my due season,
My seeds of prayers,
My seeds of meditation,
My seeds of affirmation,
My financial seeds, are coming to a harvest,
And in due season I will reap.
I have accumulated harvest to my
account in giving and in receiving,
And it is time for me to reap.

This is the month of Conquerors.
I am more than a conqueror.
Nothing can separate me from the love of
God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord.
I’m born of God,
Therefore, I have overcome the world.
All things are mine.
All things are possible to me.
I have access into all the blessings,
Hidden riches and wealth of this world.
I am blessed and
Nothing is impossible to me.
I have passed conquering,
I triumph over all things.
I triumph over the principalities
and powers of this world
I triumph over sickness, disease and infirmities.
I triumph over failure, lack and want.
I triumph over fear and doubt.
I triumph over anxiety, conflicts and agitations.

This is my due season.
I am not weary in well doing,
And in my due season I’ll reap my harvest.
I’ve been brought into my due season.
The time of manifestation,
The time of fulfilment,
The time of bringing forth,
The time of favour.
I’m surrounded by the peace of God
I dwell in safety,
In abundance,
In prosperity and wealth.
Whatsoever is connected to me does not fail,
Whatsoever is connected to me is fruitful and productive.
My businesses are flourishing,
My money is multiplied,
My ideas and innovations are producing a harvest for me,
And I reap from my harvest of accumulated blessings,
For this is my due season.

Surely there is no enchantment against me,
neither is there any divination against me.
According to this time it is said
of me what God had wrought.
In my due season and even now,
It is said of me look what the Lord has done.
Others see the glory of God,
others see the manifestation of the word
and they declare concerning me that my life is a testimony.
Even now it is said of me, what wonders God has done for them.
This is my season of demonstration,
It is my season of manifestation,
It is my season of fulfilment,
It is my season of reaping.

God has brought me into my due season.
This is my time of manifestation.
This is my time of testimony.
This is my time of delivery.
This is my time of evident advancement.
This is my time of favour.
This is my time of performance.
This is my time of completion.
This is my time of exaltation.
This is my time of expansion.
This is my time of hastening
This is my time of increase and multiplication.
This is my time of reaping.
This is the time appointed of the Lord.
I enter into my due season.
I set my appointed time by decree.
There’s a manifestation of
what God has done in my life.

I’m not weary in prayers,
I’m not weary in meditations,
I’m not weary in speaking,
I’m not weary in giving, and therefore
I reap the harvest of my giving,
Of my prayers,
Of my meditation,
Of my speaking.
I reap in this due time.
I’m bringing forth good things in this appointed time.
All my visions,
All my dreams,
All my declarations,
All my acts of kindness,
And every seed sown is bringing forth a great harvest,
And I’m reaping of that harvest.
I have received supernatural ability,
Miracle working ability to bring forth.
Things are happening so fast for me.

This is my set time for supernatural accomplishments.
I have received supernatural strength.
I have received supernatural speed.
All my seeds are coming to harvest quickly,
and I reap from my harvest of accumulated blessings.
Glory to God!
I bring forth resources.
I bring forth supply.
I bring forth money.
I bring forth blessings.
I am fruitful.
I am productive.
I am profitable.
My leaves shall never wither,
and whatsoever I do prospers and comes to maturity.
Blessed, happy,
fortunate, and prosperous am I(put your name)
because I walk and I live in the word.

In the name of the Lord Jesus!
Money gravitates towards me from every side.
Resources are coming to me.
Favour surrounds me.
Wealth is coming to me from every side.
None of my seed is dead.
Every one of my seeds multiplies
and returns to me a thousand-fold harvest.
I walk in my supernatural harvest.
I walk in my unexplainable harvest.
I walk in my multiplied harvest.
All things are mine.
My harvest continues onto my sowing,
and my sowing continues onto my harvest.

I am flourishing. I’m bearing all-around fruits.
I have significant attainments.
I have supernatural productivity.
I experience increase of every size.
I have mighty harvest of blessings.
I have mighty harvest of miracles
from seeds that I have sown.
I am proliferating in all things.
My ground is producing new seeds.
The breath of God is upon my seeds and
they produce in rapid succession.
They produce a supernatural harvest.
There is abundance of harvest everywhere for me.
Protocols are broken for my sake.
I possess all things.
I possess the good of the land.
I eat the good of the land.
I have a goodly heritage.
Protocols are broken for my sake.
I possess the good of the land.
I eat the good of the land.

I have a godly heritage.
There is abundant supply for me.
I function at a high level of precision.
The wisdom of God is at work in me.
I bring forth good things from within.
I have an excellent mind.
I bring forth creative ideas,
and innovations.
My mind is blessed.
My life is blessed.
God has enriched my whole life.
The Lord gives me peace and I dwell in safety.

Today, September 6th, 2024,
I have the codes for supernatural productivity.
Every number associated with me is proliferating.
Every number associated with me is increasing.
Every number associated with me is multiplying.

Today, September 6th, 2024,
I produce wealth.
I’m filled with the knowledge of his will.
I walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing him.
I’m fruitful in every good work.
I’m increasing in the knowledge of God.
This is my due season of peace with prosperity.
This is my due season of victory.
This is my due season of exaltation.
This is my due season of promotion.
This is my due season of hastening.
This is my due season of reaping.
This is my due season for
the completion of every task,
every goal,
every project.

This is my due season for the
perfection of the word of God in my life.
My seeds are springing forth
and I am reaping a thousandfold.
In these 30 days,
the clouds of my faith,
the clouds of my prayers,
the clouds of my declarations,
they are full.
They are crystallising and pouring down,
distilling and raining answers.
Glory to God.

In these 30 days,
men will see the grace of God at work in me.
They will see and declare,
this is what the Lord has done.
In these 30 days,
men will see the progress and advancement in my life.
I’m making evident progress.

In these 30 days,
God loves me.
He has blessed me and increased my numbers.
God likes me.
He takes pleasure in me.
He prefers me.
He is partial toward me.
I am preferred for favour.
I am preferred for the advantage.
I am preferred for joy.
I am preferred for pleasurable outcomes.
I am positioned for blessings.
I have favour with God and man.
I’m blessed in my going out and
I’m blessed in my coming in.
I have perfect soundness in body,
and spirit.
My youth and strength are renewed like the eagles.
Today, I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me.

Today, I feast on his abundance.
Today, I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.
This is my due season.
This is my time of manifestation.
This is my time of testimony.
This is my time of delivery.
This is my time of bringing forth.
This is my time of evident advancement.
This is my time of favour.
This is my time of completion.

This is my time of perfection.
This is my time of harvest.
This is my time of reaping.
This is my time of increase.
This is my time of multiplication.
This is my time of exaltation.
This is my time of lifting.
This is my time of promotion.
This is my time of victory.
This is my time of peace with prosperity.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh,
hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
Glory be to God!

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