DAY 11 – 30 DAYS OF RAIN (SEASON 5) – Thursday, August 29th, 2024


Deuteronomy 7:12-13 NIV
Luke 19:12-19 TLB
2 Corinthians 9:10 KJV, AMPC
Deuteronomy 1:10-11 NIV
Jeremiah 30:19

God loves me, God has blessed me and
He has increased my numbers.
I am a good man; my profit multiplies
Every number about me is multiplied.
My partnership will be multiplied.
What I have to give will be multiplied.
God loves me, God has blessed me and
God has increased my numbers,
every number I can think about,
God has increased my numbers so that today
I am as numerous as the stars in the sky.
God is increasing me a thousand times.
God is increasing all my numbers,
My number of customers,
my capital base,
my revenue, glory to God, everything,
My profit is multiplied.

This is my month of Great Grace.
I acknowledge the grace of God in my life.
I celebrate the grace of God in my life.
I acknowledge the grace of God working in me.
I acknowledge the grace of God working for me.
I acknowledge the grace of God working through me.
The grace of God produces in and for me:
acceptability, favour,
advantage, joy,
pleasure, liberality, and gifts.
I’m growing and increasing in grace.
I’m fruitful and productive.
My capacity is increased.
The Lord loves me specially.
The Lord has blessed me,
And made me a great nation.
I am fertile, I’m fruitful, I’m productive.
Everything I do prospers.
Everything I touch prospers.
Everything I do grows and multiplies.
I have multiplication on my job.
My businesses are growing and multiplying.
My children are growing and multiplying
My cell is growing and multiplying
Our nation is growing and multiplying.
Every number connected and
associated with me is
growing and multiplying.
I have significant results.
I have big results.
I have large results.
I’m making significant impact in my world,
in my industry,
in this nation, and in the world.
I’m a force to be reckoned
with in my industry.
God loves me.

He has blessed me and
increased all my numbers.
This is my season of extraordinary multiplication.
The Lord has multiplied me a thousand times
more and increased the
harvest of my righteousness.
The Lord has loved me.
He has blessed me and
increased my numbers.
The Lord has multiplied my numbers.
He has made me as numerous
as the stars in the sky.
He has increased me and
multiplied me a thousand times.

Every number connected to
me is multiplied.
The Lord has multiplied and
increased my impact.
As the stars of heaven in number, my resources are multiplied a thousand times.
My results are multiplied a thousand times.
My profits are multiplied a thousand times.
My balance sheet is multiplied a thousand times.
The manifestations of grace in my life
are multiplied a thousand times.
My financial capacity is
multiplied a thousand times.
My partnership and capacity to give is
multiplied a thousand times.
The fruit of my righteousness is
multiplied a thousand times.
I speak multiplication.
I walk in surplus.
I walk in abundance.
I’m directly connected to divine supply.
It is my season for supernatural multiplication.
I’m multiplying with speed.
I speak extraordinary multiplication
to my giving and receiving.
I speak supernatural multiplication
to all my partnership seeds.

I speak supernatural multiplication
to the inflow into my bank accounts,
to the profits on my investments,
to the profits of my business,
to the impact and profit of my ideas.
To my finances.
I speak supernatural multiplication.
I bring forth abundance.
I bring forth innovations,
exceedingly many, as the stars of heaven.
I’m proliferating to the north.
I’m proliferating to the south.
I’m proliferating to the east.
I’m proliferating to the west.
I’m proliferating everywhere. Hallelujah!
The blessing of multiplication
is actively working in me,
causing me to increase.
The Lord looks on me with favour,
and increases my numbers.

Every number connected
with me is multiplied.
My souls in the house of God,
my cell members,
my partnership,
my giving in the house of God,
my tithes, my first fruits,
my offerings, my performance,
my results, my sales,
Every number connected with me
is multiplied in the name of the Lord Jesus.

My life is a life of favour heaped upon favour,
blessing heaped upon blessing,
grace heaped upon grace,
gift heaped upon gift.
While I’m still enjoying the harvest,
new ones are arriving.
The blessing of God upon my life
is such that there is not enough
room to contain the favour,
to contain the grace,
to contain the wealth,
to contain the productivity,
to contain the harvest,
Glory to God.

Wave upon wave,
blessing upon blessing is
constantly coming in.
There is no interruption to my blessing.
There is no interruption to my multiplication.
I experience quickness and
speed in everything I do.
Things are getting better
and better for me.
No more downtime in my business,
no more slow time in my business,
in my finances, in my investments,
in my results, in my profit,
in my giving and receiving.
I am multiplying with speed. Hallelujah!

Father, I thank you.
The grace for quickness and
speed are at work in me.
Every day I’m filled with joy
and great thanksgiving.
The Lord has multiplied my numbers.
I will never diminish.
The Lord has glorified me.
I will not be small.
I’m increasing from strength to strength,
from faith to faith,
from grace to grace,
from blessing to blessing,
from favour to favour,
from peace to peace,
from joy to joy. Hallelujah!
I’m winning more and more souls.
My results are multiplying.
My harvest is flourishing.
The angels of God are working on my behalf,
causing things to be hastened for my sake.

In everything I do,
everywhere I go,
and all that concerns me,
I’m blessed and highly favoured.
Everything I do prospers.
I see abundance only.
I experience increase only.
I experience progress every day.
I experience advancement,
and excellence. Hallelujah!
I excel because I’m sponsored
and favoured by God.
My steps are ordered of the Lord.
I’m piloted by grace.
I’m special.
I’m different.
There’s something about me.
God likes me.

I’m blessed and highly favoured.
The rules don’t apply to me because
I’m blessed and highly favoured.
He who supplies seed to the sower and
bread for food multiplies my resources for giving.
My partnership capacity is multiplied.
He increases the fruit of my righteousness,
which manifests itself in active goodness,
kindness, and love .
God is more than extravagant with me.
He likes me.
He loves me.
He has blessed me and
increased my numbers.
He provides and increases my resources
for sowing and then produces a great
harvest of generosity in me.

I’m enriched in every way.
I’m a big-time kingdom financier.
I’m generous on every occasion.
I’m able to respond to every call for giving.
Because of my seeds, there is abundant thanksgiving to the Lord.
I take pleasure in my giving.
The Lord pours blessings on me
in astonishing ways so that
I’m always ready for anything and everything.
I’m ready to do more than
just what needs to be done.

In my giving, I throw caution to the wind.
I’m a reckless giver.
I have no cares.
I have no fears.
I give with reckless abandon.
I never run out of seeds to sow,
for God is the one who provides me seed to
sow and multiplies my resources for giving.
I will never run out of seed.
I will never run out of supply.
I receive a thousand-fold return
on my giving in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Every seed sown multiplies and
returns a thousand-fold harvest.

I receive supernatural financial testimonies.
I receive supernatural financial harvests.
My seeds are coming to a thousand-fold
harvest in the name of the Lord Jesus.
My capacity for giving and receiving
is expanded a thousand times more.
My store house of seed is expanded a thousand times more.
In the name of the Lord Jesus
I’m a big time kingdom financier.
This is the work of the grace of God that abounds towards me.
I disperse abroad, and my righteousness abounds forever.
He that ministers seed to the sower and bread for food multiplies my seed sown and increases the harvest of my righteousness.
I’m enriched in all things unto all bountifulness which causes thanksgiving to God.

Good things are attracted to me.
I attract favour.
I attract grace.
I attract health.
I attract ideas.
I attract blessings.
I attract good people.
I attract opportunities.
All doors are open unto me.
My prosperity, my supply,
my economy are not determined,
by the economy or the supply of this world.
I live by a higher government.
I live by a heavenly economy.
My prosperity is for all time.

Today, God gives me seeds to sow,
and makes my seeds grow and multiply
So that I can give away more and
more from my harvest.
I require nothing,
from anyone or anywhere,
everything I require is available to me.
The Lord has blessed me and
multiplied my numbers.
I’m independent of external factors.
I’m independent of external forces.
I am independent of external influence.
Everything I require,
is available to me right now.
My sufficiency is of God.
My power,
My ability,
My sufficiency,
My confidence is in the Lord.
I am a great success,
I am a wonder and a surprise to many,
Because The Lord is with me.
He has loved me and
blessed me and
increased my numbers.

What I have started, I will finish.
Whatever targets I have started; I will finish.
Whatever projects I started; I will finish.
My projects are coming to fruition.
My visions are coming to pass.
My heart’s desires are being fulfilled.
Everything I do prospers, blossoms,
flourishes, and grows.
Everything I do succeeds and
comes to maturity,
to fruition and completion.
Everything I am involved with
comes to fulfilment.
and finishes excellently.

I speak multiplication.
I speak multiplication in everything,
multiplication in my family,
multiplication in my work,
multiplication of my businesses.
blessings of prosperity,
blessings of multiplication.
I speak multiplication over my job.
I speak multiplication over my finances.
I speak blessings over my health,
my ministry,
and all that concerns me.
The blessings of multiplication
are at work in me.
For the Lord loves me,
He has blessed me
And He has increased my numbers.
Glory to God!

I thank you, Lord, for your grace,
Your power,
And your love that are manifested
in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
I’m a divine being.
I live the supernatural life.
I live the miraculous life.
I live by a different set of rules.
Natural laws and rules are
suspended for my sake.
The divine life is at work in everything
I come in contact with.
Death and life are in
the power of the tongue,
and I impact life to
everything around me.
I release words of multiplication,
I release words of life,
I release words of prosperity,
Words of help,
Words of blessings,
To every creature,
to everything in my world.
I speak words of life,
I invoke the blessing of multiplication
On everything connected with me!

I release objects,
animate and inanimate,
I release them into the
glorious liberty of the sons of God
and they multiply.
They grow,
They increase.
My money multiplies
in the name of Jesus.
My resources multiply.
My balance sheet multiplies
My revenue multiplies
My sales multiply
My businesses multiply
What I have multiplies.
I release blessings of multiplication,
Into everything in my world.
Nothing gets damaged.
Nothing gets wasted.
Nothing diminishes.
Everything multiplies and

Today, August 29th, 2024,
The blessing of multiplication
is actively working in me.
Causing me to increase.
The Lord looks on me with favour,
Today, August 29th,
I have more than enough to give,
and my righteousness
abounds forever.
I celebrate the grace
of God in my life.
I have the upper hand in
every situation I find myself.
Grace locates me and brings me in.
Grace is expressed in me today.
Good things of life are falling
into my hands effortlessly.
Opportunities, access,
promotions, contracts,
are falling into my hands.
Things I did not work for, are granted me
for the sake of the gospel.

In these 30 days, the clouds of my faith,
the clouds of my prayers,
the clouds of my expectations,
the clouds of my declarations,
the clouds of my meditations are full,
they are crystallising and pouring down,
distilling and raining answers.
In these 30 days, men will see
the grace of God at work in me.
In these 30 days, men will see
the progress and
advancement in my life.
I’m making evident
progress in these 30 days
God loves me,
He has blessed me
and increased my numbers.
God likes me,
He takes pleasure in me.
He prefers me.
He’s partial towards me.
I’m preferred for favour.
I’m preferred for advantage.
I’m preferred for joy.
I’m preferred for pleasurable outcomes.
I’m positioned for blessings!

I have favour with God and man.
I’m blessed in my going out and in my coming in.
I have perfect soundness in
my body, mind, and spirit.
My youth and strength
are renewed like the eagle’s.
Today, I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me.
Today, I feast on his abundance.
Today, I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen, Hallelujah!

(C) CELZ5 2024

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