Psalm 45

This is the month of Conquerors.
I’m more than a conqueror.
Nothing can separate me from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus, my Lord.
I’m born of God.
All things are mine.
I have access to all blessings,
hidden riches and wealth of this world.
I’m blessed.
And I’m a blessing.

This is my set time for joy.
This is my set time for increase.
This is my set time to receive benefits.
I walk into opportunities
which deliver to me great profits for the gospel.
When I speak, I’m heard.
When I show up, I’m attended to
because of the favour of God.
I walk in ever increasing grace.
I have grace heaped upon grace.
The grace of God in my life
causes me to have uncommon results.
I walk in ever increasing favour.

The favour of God in my life attracts the right people,
the right circumstances,
the right resources,
the right information,
the right opportunities.
The favour of God gives me promotion,
gives me the mastery.
The favour of God makes me superior in all things.
It makes me self-sufficient,
possessing enough to require no aid or support
And furnished in abundance for every good work
and charitable donation.
I experience quantum leaps in giving and receiving.
I live the glorious life in Christ.

Good things are heard of me.
I’m an advantage to the body of Christ.
I’m an advantage to my man of God Pastor Chris
I’m an advantage in my group
I’m an advantage to my church
I’m an advantage everywhere I go
I do not go anywhere by chance
I’m led by the Spirit of God
I’m rich in the grace that’s in Christ Jesus
I excel in giving and receiving
There is a harvest of blessing
accumulated to my account
Because I have opened a
giving and receiving account with the Lord
My seeds are producing a mighty harvest
God supplies all that I require liberally.
For I’m a cheerful giver
My giving and receiving account is bubbling.

I have an uncanny ability to do what others cannot do.
The Grace of God manifests itself in my life
In skills, qualities, understanding.
I have special endowment for the task at hand.
I’m empowered to achieve success.
All my resources are multiplied a thousand times.
I’m directly connected to divine supply.
I live in the supply zone.
I live in the surplus zone.
I live in the wealthy zone
where all things are mine.

I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension
I have an astounding level of sagacity.
I display high-level understanding.
I’m wise because the wisdom of God is at work in me
I am extremely intelligent, perceptive, and shrewd
I have an astounding level of perception and perfection.
I have discernment
I manifest excellence
I produce excellence
I display excellence
Because of the grace of God is at work in me.
I’m full of ideas and innovations.
My mind is quick and alert,
to receive the promptings of the Spirit.
I produce all kinds of innovations
Innovations that solve problems,
That produces wealth,
That produces solutions,
That creates money.
In my industry,
I’m the solution provider.

I’m protected from chance and unfortunate events,
Every barrier is taken out of my way.
I’m transported,
I am moved by divine ordinance.
I experience only progress,
success, advancement,
profit, and prosperity
I do not see death
I do not see lack
I do not have shortages
Things are not tight for me
There is a liberality in my finances
I have no sense of lack or scarcity.
I have received the grace for SUDDENLY
I am the fulfilment of God’s word,
I only make declarations
That are in agreement with the word of God.

My success cannot be hidden
My life is a fountain,
I spring up from here to the ends of the earth
Everywhere I am is where is happening
My next level is coming from my heart
I distinguish myself because
God has distinguished me
With my mouth,
I confess myself unto health
My heart, my lungs,
my systems my circulation,
my immune system function in perfect health.
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost
I cannot have cancer in my body,
I cannot have diabetes in my body,
I cannot have migraine in my body
I cannot have hypertension in my body
I walk in divine health.
I’m full of strength,
I’m full of life
With my mouth,
I make confessions unto safety.

The whole world is mine
My life is flourishing.
My health is flourishing.
My prosperity is flourishing.
New things are springing forth.
For it is my due season.
I declare that I have now,
in this season, at this time,
An abundant harvest of all my seeds.
The words I have spoken,
my giving, my prayers,
are producing an abundant harvest.
The heavens respond to my voice.
The earth responds to my voice
My seeds respond to my voice.

Today, I’m filled with the knowledge of His will.
In all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
The Lord has multiplied my numbers.
He has increased and
multiplied me a thousand times.
I abound in every good work.
I excel in every good work.
I have the ability of God
Good things are happening with me everywhere I go
Everywhere I go, Christ is manifested

My life is organized by the Word
The trajectory of my life is coordinated by the Word.
God has made me his living tabernacle.
In me dwells the fullness,
The sum total of divine perfection,
The power and attributes of God permanently
I’m God’s operations headquarters
I’m an administrator of the divine life
I’m conscious of the divine life of God at work in me
I am a member of his body,
Of his flesh and
Of his bone

I’m distinguished by the Word
I’m an heir of God
And a joint-heir with Christ
I’m the written epistle of Christ
Known and read of all men
My thoughts and my words are
aligned with the thoughts and plans of God
My words bring the plans and
purposes of God to pass in my life and in my world.

Today, September 14th, 2024,
The grace of God produces in and for me:
acceptability, favour, advantage, joy, pleasure, liberality, and gifts,
I have access to untold riches.
I expand my boundaries on all sides.
Today, September 14th, 2024,
I declare,
I’m a partaker of the grace on my man of God.
I have a life without limits.
I have a ministry and grace without boundaries.
Whatsoever, I do creates wealth and value.
And brings great advantage to the kingdom.
I’m increasing in the knowledge,
appreciation and understanding that in me,
there are good things.

In me, there are wonderful things.
In me, there are treasures of eternal value.
Yes, in me, there is wealth.
I’m discovering,
I’m mining,
I’m refining,
I’m producing wealth.
In these 30 days,
the clouds of my faith, of my prayers,
of my meditations, of my declarations, are full.
They are crystallising and pouring down,
distilling and raining answers.

In these 30 days,
men will see the grace of God at work in me.
They will see evident progress and advancement in my life.
Glory to God
God loves me.
He has blessed me and increased my numbers.
God likes me.
He takes pleasure in me.
He prefers me and
He’s partial toward me.
I’m preferred for promotion,
for favour, for advantage, and for blessings.
I have favour with God and man.
I’m blessed in my going out and coming in.
I’m blessed in body, mind, and spirit.
My youth and strength are renewed like the eagles.

Today, I’m conscious of God’s special favour to me.
I’m conscious of the good things
that are in me in Christ Jesus.
Today, I feast on his abundance.
I drink of the streams of God’s pleasures.
I walk in unmistakable and undeniable favour.
This is my time of manifestation.
This is my time of testimony.
This is my time of delivery and bringing forth.
It is my time of evident advancement,
my time of favour,
my time of completion,
my time of fulfilment,
my time of perfection,
my time of confirmation,
and establishment.

This is my time of harvest and reaping.
This is my time of increase and multiplication,
This is my time of beauty,
This is my time of lifting and promotion
This is my time of peace with prosperity.
I’m in my due season
This is my time of discovering, of mining, of refining,
And producing wealth from the inside.
And I distribute and dispense blessings
As the seed of Abraham
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory to God.

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