Day 1 – 30 DAYS OF RAIN (SEASON 5) – Monday, August 19th, 2024


Acceptability – Adequacy, Suitability, Pleasing
Philippians 4:8 (AMPC)
1 Corinthians 15:10 (KJV)
2 Corinthians 3:4-5 (KJV, AMPC)
Genesis 39:1-6 (KJV)
Proverbs 16:7 (KJV)
Romans 14:17-18 (KJV, AMPC, TPT)

It is going to be 30 Days of Glory,
30 Days of harvest,
And 30 Days of Impact.
We are going to walk in grace
And we are going to take advantage of the grace.

The grace of God qualifies me,
It makes me sufficient.

Yes! I will earn the respect of others.
Others will respect me.
Others will approve of me.
Others will receive me.

This is my month of GREAT GRACE.
Great grace is upon my life.
Great grace is bestowed upon my life.
I have entered into great grace.
I am a child of great grace.
I’m walking in grace,
And in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior.
I acknowledge the Grace of God in my Life
I celebrate the Grace of God in my life
I recognize the Grace of God in my life
I think on, give weight to and take account of the Grace of God
That has been lavished upon me.

I factor in and give value to the grace of God, working in me in this month of Grace.
The grace of God in my life produces acceptability.
Approval, suitability, adequacy.
The grace of God is working in me.
The grace of God is working for me.
The grace of God is working through me.
The grace of God singles me out.
People are favorably disposed to me.
People are favorably attracted to me,
Because the grace of God is working in me.
I am growing in grace.

I’m full of Grace
I walk in ever-increasing Grace
I have Grace heaped upon Grace
The Grace of God in my life
Is the inner working of God’s glory and power
That radiates excellence in me
And causes me to have uncommon results.
No matter the situation
Or circumstances that I face
Great grace has made me to be who I am.

The grace of God surrounds me,
Responds to me.
The Lord is with me,
I am a prosperous man.
The Lord is with me and makes all I do to prosper
He makes even my enemies to be at peace with me.
Those that have tried to stop me,
Those that have spoken against me,
Will be turned to favor to me.
I find grace and acceptability in the eyes of my superiors.
I find grace and acceptability in the eyes of my contemporaries.
I find grace and acceptability in the eyes of my juniors.

I find grace and acceptability in the sight of my customers.
I find grace and acceptability in the eyes of my industries.
Everyone sees and recognizes the grace upon my life
My company is blessed because of me.
My school is blessed because of me.
My family is blessed because of me
Everything and everyone around me is blessed because of me.

The Lord is pleased with me.
And therefore, I am approved of all men.
The Lord is pleased with me,
And therefore, even my enemies are at peace with me.
They join themselves to me to assist me and to help me.

Every day, I increase in grace.
Today, August 19th 2024, I walk in great grace.
Promotion comes to me today.
My life is forwards and upwards only.
The grace of God propels me forward.
I take advantage of the grace of God in my life.
The grace produces acceptability, adequacy, sufficiency.
Because of Grace I am everything I am required to be.
Because of Grace I am who I need to be.
Because of Grace I am qualified,

Fit and worthy for blessings, for honor,
For promotion, for opportunities,
I am qualified by grace.
I walk into favour.
I walk into grace.
I have the advantage.
I am upwards and forwards only.
I am increased in grace.
I keep going higher and higher.
Rising like an edifice.

The race is not to the swift,
The battle is not to the strong,
Grace locates me and brings me in just at the right time.
And I am received because of grace.
The beauty of God is expressed in me every day.
I am full of Grace
I’m supplied with Grace
I walk in ever – Increasing Grace more and more.
The grace of God causes me to be influential,
More influential, more accepted.
I am supplied with Grace
That causes me to perform.
I produce results of significant value.

God’s grace in my life
Takes me to higher heights,
Causing me to have supernatural results.
The knowledge of the word of God in my heart
Causes me to walk in an overflow of Grace
Grace makes me,
Grace qualifies me, makes me adequate,
I am everything I need to be.
I know what I need to know.
I have what I need to have.
I can do what I need to do.
Because the grace of God has made me.
The grace of God acknowledges me today.
I give thought to,
I give weight to,
I take account of the great things that God has put in my spirit

I acknowledge today
That there are good things in me
Good things put there by God
I am a new creature
Old things are passed away
Behold, all things have become new
New things are in my heart
And these new things are from God
There are good things in me
The Grace of God is working in me,
Producing Acceptability,
And distinctions.

In this month of Grace,
The grace of God is multiplied in me.
Through knowledge
And active acknowledgement,
The grace of God is multiplied in my life.
I walk in great grace.
I walk in Grace
I walk in more Grace
I walk in great Grace,
I am conscious that I am pleasing to God.
I am conscious to do any task
and to do any endeavour.

Great grace is at work in me
And the grace are not fruitless and of no effect
I put great Grace to work,

Today, I walk in great Grace.
I experience quantum leaps in acceptability
I experience exponential grace
I enter into new levels of Grace and of Glory
Acceptability is released and seen in me
The grace of God in my life
Attracts the right people
The right circumstances
The right resources
The right information
The right opportunities
Grace is attractive.
Therefore, I am attractive.
Grace produces acceptability. Therefore, I am received,
I am approved and welcome everywhere I go.

The grace of God attracts to me
God’s grace gives me the advantage
My life moves only in one direction, It is
Upward and forward only
My life is characterized by grace
Grace heaped upon grace
Has been lavished upon me.
God has lavished His grace upon me
I take advantage of the grace of God
God has lavished his grace on me
In super abundance
I walk in the fullness of the grace of God
Producing supernatural results
With and through the Grace of God.
Every where I go, I am accepted
People are falling over themselves to do me good.
God’s grace attracts the right people to me

Great grace has been granted me
To preach,
The unsearchable riches of Christ
And I am making full proof of the gospel
I’m am an effective witness
God has chosen me
And ordained me
That I should go and bring forth fruit
And that my fruit may abide and should remain
I bring forth fruit
And my fruit remains
Thank you, Lord
For the different graces
Available to me in Christ Jesus.
I take advantage
And I make full proof
Of the grace of God
That you have granted me
To be a success in life
In my job
In my finances
In my home
In my academics
And in my ministry.
Men are falling over themselves to do me good.
Good things of life are falling into my hands.
Effortlessly, with no effort of mine.
Are falling into my hands.
Things I did not work for are given to me for the sake of the gospel.

By the grace of God
I rule and reign over circumstances

The Grace of God open doors for me,
Today and Everyday.
I’m full of grace
I’m surrounded with
Grace, Acceptability, favour.
I am attractive
I’m approved
I’m qualified
That thing that I have been seeking approval about,
Is granted me, through grace

The grace goes before me
The grace goes ahead of me

The grace is behind me
Even after I have left.
I’m remembered for good

Today, even now,
God is causing His glory
To be revealed in everything I do
The grace of God
Ushers me to my next and higher level of greatness and promotion
I receive it
I celebrate it
I affirm it
I recognize it
I give attention to it
I give it value
I take account of it.

The great grace of God in my life
Results in acceptability,
And uncountable blessings

I love the Grace of God.
I am a beneficiary of the grace of God.
I am so blessed
I am so favoured
Grace has singled me out
I’m a carrier of Grace
Things work out for me by the grace of God.
Things work out for me by the grace of God.
In Christ, I have acceptability
I recognize Grace, and i function in it.
I recognize that I am a candidate for things I didn’t work for.
Things I didn’t build
Houses, I didn’t build
Wells I didn’t dig are given to me.

I give grace to others
I dispense grace
And my words are full of grace.
Monday, August 19th
Everywhere word I speak is full of grace
I respond to grace
I think of Grace
I feed my mind on grace
I have abundant to grace for all things and all situations
I have been endowed with all spiritual blessings
I am known to be that man, that woman that God has favoured.
The grace of God
His pleasure
His acceptability is seen by others.
Others recognize that I am a special person.
Others recognize that I’m specially favoured of God
Others recognize and take note that I have divine connectivity.
I walk in this grace.
The grace of God is fruitful and effective in my life.
I explore this grace for finances
I explore the grace for abilities
I explore the grace for favour
I take advantage of the grace for my work.
For my project
In the marketplace
At my construction site
In the banking hall
In the conference room
I take advantage of grace
Grace is working for me today.
I am pre qualified for promotion
Pre qualified for blessing
Pre qualified for opportunities
I take advantage of the grace for everything and all situations.
This grace increases daily

I see myself in excellence.
I see myself in peace.
I see myself in success and prosperity.
I see myself in great and glorious possibilities.
All things are possible.
And the word of God gives me pictures of glorious possibilities.
The Spirit of God has separated and singled me out for a special blessing today.
I’m blessed in my going out and in my coming in.
My youth and my strength are renewed like the eagles.

I walk in health.
I walk in strength.
I walk in perfect soundness of body, mind and spirit.
Every day, I function with the ability of the spirit.
The power of God is working in me.
I take hold of blessings of health,
blessings of prosperity,
blessings of safety,
blessings of wellness,
specially packaged for me.

This month,
These 30 days,
The clouds of my faith,
The clouds of my prayers,
The clouds of my expectations,
The clouds of my declarations,
The clouds of my meditations are full and they are crystallizing and pouring down.
They are distilling and pouring down answers and testimonies in these 30 days.
I’m mightily helped of God.
I am helped in the city.
I am helped in the field.
I’m helped in my business, in my job, in my academics, in my home. Men are rushing to help me.
I’m helped with opportunities.
I’m helped with ideas.
I am helped with innovation.
I’m helped with words.
I speak the right words today.
Amen, amen, amen,

Go ahead and speak in other tongues.
Glory, glory, glory be to God. Hallelujah, the grace of God has qualified me.

The grace of God has qualified me.
Yes, go into today’s word and stay with that consciousness,
And you will discover things you didn’t plan for will happen for you even today.
Glory be to God.


  1. Str Wanai Mutsvanga

    I am transformed with these declarations my life will never be same again.Every word is coming to passing my life.

    1. Ololade Eziashi

      Glory to God. As I made those affirmations, I felt the surge of diversity ne energy in my spirit. Thank you esteemed Pastor for these powerful words of the Spirit

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