I am the light of the world; there is no darkness in my life. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life. There is no death in any area of my life or my body. All things are mine. I have a healthy, prosperous, and vibrant life. Christ has taken His abode in the quarters of my heart, so I have nothing to fear.
I have no fear of the future and no fear of the dark or unknown because Christ is my assurance for a glorious life. God has empowered me to do great wonders and miracles and to effect positive changes in my world. My health, family, and finances are evidence that Jesus is alive and His mercy endures forever. I enjoy God’s boundless grace continuously.
I am an associate of the heavenly pantheon. I have eternal life is at work in me. It makes me master over circumstances. I have dominion over the world’s deplorable systems. I have dominion over Satan. I am superior to sicknesses and diseases. I am superior to defeat. I am superior to the depravities that affect the natural man. I live above this world and its corrupting influences.
Today and always, I walk in God’s perfect will for my life. I am conscious of my immortality in Christ Jesus. I live victoriously. I dominate life’s situations and circumstances. I dominate in everything that has a name. I’ve been brought into life and immortality because I’m alive to God! I declare that this my faith is producing health in my body, therefore; I refuse to entertain doubts in my heart.
I’m not moved by what I see, feel or hear; I’m only moved by the Word of God. I’m living in health 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. The same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead lives in me; it’s impossible for me to be brought down by sickness. No matter what the devil throws at me, I stand strong in faith and use the all-powerful Name of Jesus to neutralize his fiery darts. I keep my body healthy with my faith-filled confessions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.