The Word of God is living and active. It penetrates my whole being, vitalizing every part of my body and inundating me with strength and energy by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am not moved by the prevalent circumstances in this world because I am impregnable to sickness and disease.

I am a well-watered garden. I live my best every day, to the glory of God. The Word of God is my life. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word is working mightily in my body.

I speak the Word and it works in my body, making it alive every day. I’m living an exceptionally great life here on earth and I am in perpetual dominion over sickness and life’s circumstances. I don’t contract or transmit sickness.

The good life is mine, health is mine, and joy is aglow in my spirit. My life is a sure testimony that there’s a higher life in Christ. I am in union with the One who commands light to shine out of darkness. Like my heavenly Father, I speak forth life and my words are established over my health, finances, and everything that concerns me.

Like faithful Abraham, I am blessed in all things. God’s blessings produce life in me and make me rich in my health, finances, family, business, and all that concerns me. I live above the things that affect the natural man. I am untouchable, for I live in Christ and Christ lives in me in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

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