I have the mind of Christ. I don’t give myself to lesser thoughts. I am the glory of God. I have insight into mysteries and secrets of the Kingdom of God. I speak the wisdom of God always and I have insight to the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. I’m full of power; limitless, overcoming, and surpassing power over crises, diseases, and infirmities.
The power of God in me is at work today against circumstances, pain, sickness, and death. No infection can fasten itself to my body. I have the nature of the Father. Eternal life is at work in every bone of my body and every cell of my blood. My entire body is vitalized with divine life.
No sickness, disease, infirmity, or growth can stay in my body. Death has been dissolved by eternal life. My health and strength are renewed daily. I have the strength of the Spirit, and I’m divinely energized at all times for victory, success, and greatness.
The Lord has set His love upon me, and He satisfies me with long life; a long and rich life. I live in perfect health. I live in absolute dominion and victory over sickness. Divine ability is at work in me. I’m not afraid of pestilence, plagues, pandemics, or germs and diseases that stalk in darkness. I have absolute mastery over them all in Jesus Name. Amen!
Respond to today’s KEEP SAYING IT: I HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST below.
Glory glory glorrrrrrrrry! Hallelujah!
I have the mind of Christ, hallelujah