I bow my knees to the Father who reigns supreme. I bow my knees to the King who deserves my praise. What a depth of love, oh what a height of love that You show to me. I’m grateful to You Jesus. My Lord and King! I am truly grateful Lord.
Thank You for Your wisdom that is operative in me. Your wisdom beautifies my life. Your wisdom causes me to inherit substance. The angels of wealth attend to me. The angel of money responds to me.
Every day I increase in grace. The grace of God is working in me mightily and evidently. The grace of God is multiplied in my life. I experience a quantum leap in grace. I walk in exponential grace, and I take advantage of the grace of God.
I operate in limitless wisdom. I operate with limitless wealth. And I operate with limitless power. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I walk in righteousness, and I produce fruits of righteousness. The praise of God is always on my lips because He has done glorious things in my life. Hallelujah!
Amen I am so blessed reading your words I’m giving God thanks for my dear sister who share the world with me it is a strong power God bless your ministry pastor Chris
Amen I read I was blessed by by reading your comment God bless your ministry pastor Chris and bless my sister that sent it to me every morning my soul has been blessed Rich that you are reaching out to soul God bless you and your ministry and others evangelist